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Yesterday i started my blastoise quest,

after getting to the part where u need to catch bulbasaur,charmander and squirtle oak will ask u to train one of these. I selected charmander but i wanted to train squirtle, so i clicked on reselect. now it keeps asking me what poke i want to train and when i choose nothing seems to change, it now also says my bulbasaur isn't valid. And now he is saying that my charmander needs to be catched again wich i caught as last one.


Not 100% sure if this is meant to be or if its glitched.


After i trained my squirtle into a lvl100 blastoise oak says its not the poke he asked for ._.





Edited by DutchBlazey

Praise the lord bidoof.


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Hey there!


I am sorry for the inconvenience and the late reply. In order to fix this you will have to catch a new Charmander that meets the requirements. I hope that clarifies some things, if you happen to have more questions regarding this topic, please let me know. Otherwise I will lock this thread. I hope that you have a great day.


Kind regards, Noxious



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