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IGN: TolgaGT

Discord: TolgaGT#3305

Discord: oksty#9999 (message TolgaGT instead of oksty)

Server:  https://discord.gg/h6ebxSGCwG


BrotherBand is a ultra family friendly social guild consisting of everyone. BrotherBand's name comes from a book named BrotherBand (written by John Flanagan) . What it basically means is if you dont have the requirments for any other guild you can join this guild which is good for beginners and getting fast information and experience. PVP is currently not our priority but this doesn't mean that we are incompetent. We are a really good guild and we would want you with us.



Good community

Unlimited amount of support in your quests

Nice discord server

PVP experience

(We don't have access to guild island)



-Follow all PRO, Guild & Discord Rules-

Be friendly, helpful and supportive to all players and members.

Do NOT scam, break rules, insult, spam, harass or stalk other members




We are currently open to anyone who wants to join!!!



Message me on discord;

TolgaGT#3305 or oksty#9999

Message on this post

A discord username

Your IGN

here is our server link;


STAFF T-shirt -






Edited by TOLGAGT
closed the thing lol
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  • Tolgagt changed the title to BrotherBand (Recruiting)

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