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Hey, I want to buy some epic Pokes. Please PM me here or ingame, if you got any of those Pokes with a price. I don't want to offer something, I just want to know your price. :)


Pokemon: Breloom

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Poison Heal

ATK: 27+

DEF: 20+

SPD: 31


SPDEF: 20+

HP: 20+


Pokemon: Alakazam

Nature: Timid

Ability: Magic Guard

ATK: -

DEF: 15+

SPD: 30+

SPATK: 25+

SPDEF: 15+

HP: 20+


Pokemon: Politoed

Nature: Bold/Calm/Modest

Ability: Drizzle

ATK: -

DEF: 20+

SPD: 20+

SPATK: 20+

SPDEF: 20+

HP: 20+


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Discord tag: Prochainezo#0734

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