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Left Dark Realm by accident...


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Soo ... i startet Darkrai quest yesterday and everything worked out fine, but when i faintet once i accidently walked wrong side cuz i didnt read good xD and left the realm. In the pro announcements they said "Horon in Dark Valley is able to restore the Dark Realm in case you have something forgotten in there." But ive already beaten Horus before i went in the dark realm so he is gone now ... and I would love 2 know if there is a way to reset the quest in the dark realm or another way to get back in it or catch darkrai ... ty for reply already ^^ :)

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Hi @Colonelrobbe  @J3rmz  @saba999


Sorry for the inconvenience.


In order to gain access once again to the Dark Realm, you need to defeat Horon in the Dark Valley without having a single Pokemon during the battle. If you have already completed that Dark Realm and caught Darkrai, then defeating Horon will reward you with a Halloween Rapidash mount.

Do note that everytime you defeat Horon, there will be a 3-day cooldown before you can challenge him again.


I hope that cleared up any doubts you had. I'll be locking this thread now.
Please make a new one should any further issues arise.


Thank you and have a wonderful day!

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