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Lost pokes after gengarite quest


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Hi, I need help because i lost my entire team after gengarite quest. It happened when i logged out against a wild poke, and when i logged in the game, i was teleported in the gengarite map instead of the last pokecenter i visited (necropolis). So i went out from that area and when i was out my entire team disappeared, and instead of it i had in team other pokes that were in my pc before. The team that disappeared isn't in pc, so i think it is lost. I have the ID of two of my lost pokes if it can help you:


GENGAR ID: 2905031

i don't have the other ID, but other pokes are KLEFKY, PIDGEOT, ELECTRODE and FURRETT (all level 100 with very good ivs for bosses). I hope you can help me, especially for conke because almost godly and it is one of my strongest poke. Thanks a lot, waiting for your news

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