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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="charmander1"><s>

</s><POST content="154776"><s></s>154776<e></e></POST> I need a URL or a code to joint a server send it plz<e>

all u need to do is clicking the link and join the server <br/>

<URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SDJttgv">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SDJttgv</URL></r>

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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r>Hi I'm Arkimades, and is interested in joining the guild. <br/>

I play PRO every second day if not more. Currently playing it more than my schedule will allow. Total playtime is ~100 hours <E>:Nervous:</E> <br/>

I'm from Denmark if that have any value at all.<br/>

Excited to see what I can bring to the guild. I'll be able to join the discord when I'm not playing other games as I play PRO in the background.</r>

Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="Arkimades"><s>

</s><POST content="155092"><s></s>155092<e></e></POST> Hi I'm Arkimades, and is interested in joining the guild. <br/>

I play PRO every second day if not more. Currently playing it more than my schedule will allow. Total playtime is ~100 hours <E>:Nervous:</E> <br/>

I'm from Denmark if that have any value at all.<br/>

Excited to see what I can bring to the guild. I'll be able to join the discord when I'm not playing other games as I play PRO in the background.<e>



Welcome to our Guild bro <E>:devil:</E> <br/>

join us here to let us we know more each other <E>:devil:</E> <br/>

<URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4S9U2emV">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4S9U2emV</URL></r>

Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="xxxzzzttt"><s>

</s><POST content="158414"><s></s>158414<e></e></POST> <ATTACHMENT filename="Untitled.png" index="0"><s>[attachment=0]</s>Untitled.png<e>[/attachment]</e></ATTACHMENT> i want denounce his, this action is not good<e>

that player is not from our guild.</r>

Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="pokemonoah"><s>

</s><POST content="158448"><s></s>158448<e></e></POST> Is there any possibility that you still recruit if yes i would like to join and i pass all the requirments.<e>

yes we are still recreuiting,<br/>

please do the survey <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Name / In Game name : AbyssConduit<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Hours played : 177hr<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Where are you from ? Batam , indonesia<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? i guess i play 10 hr + , everyday ! xD<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? i look for persisten guild , and i mean to join it forever like loyal , so if this guild is my choice , i wont move a lil bit and ill stay here forever :D</r>

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