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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Name / In Game name LightDawnx<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Hours played Over 300<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Where are you from ? Finland<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? I took a small break but now i'm back and usually alot when i have the feeling.<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? I'm looking for a guild atm and this seems like it.</r>


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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="LightDawnx"><s>

</s><EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Name / In Game name LightDawnx<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Hours played Over 300<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Where are you from ? Finland<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? I took a small break but now i'm back and usually alot when i have the feeling.<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? I'm looking for a guild atm and this seems like it.<e>



Hey bro, come along to our discord (<URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8</URL>) and we'll introduce you there, <br/>



Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


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Guest Incrense

Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Be at least 16 years old : 22<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> 40h minimum playtime : No this is just new account :'( <br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Be able to communicate a minimum in english : :D :D no prob :D :D<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Be able to use discord : i use discord <br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/iVaeA9G.png"><s></e></IMG> <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>

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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="Incrense"><s>

</s><POST content="180970"><s></s>180970<e></e></POST> <EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Be at least 16 years old : 22<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> 40h minimum playtime : No this is just new account :'( <br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Be able to communicate a minimum in english : :D :D no prob :D :D<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Be able to use discord : i use discord <br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/iVaeA9G.png"><s></e></IMG> <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:Smile:</E><e>



Join our discord, as long as you have fair knowledge about the game, I'm sure your hours shouldnt be a problem, <URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8</URL><br/>


Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Name / In Game name: gengar17<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Hours played: almost 400<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Where are you from ? lebanon<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? i can play whenever really. i have tons of free time<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? initially i stopped playing the game because my friends stopped, so now i want to join this so i have a reason to stay (also because i only know like 2 people since im back and one of them is here)<br/>

i also meet the requirements</r>

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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="gengar17"><s>

</s><POST content="181363"><s></s>181363<e></e></POST> <EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Name / In Game name: gengar17<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Hours played: almost 400<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Where are you from ? lebanon<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? i can play whenever really. i have tons of free time<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? initially i stopped playing the game because my friends stopped, so now i want to join this so i have a reason to stay (also because i only know like 2 people since im back and one of them is here)<br/>

i also meet the requirements<e>



Hey bud, come join our discord, where we'll continue with the recruitment process, cheers.<br/>

<URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8</URL></r>

Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<t>Hello Roborn! I'm Bryan from the USA and i'm 20 years old :) i have 310h of gameplay and i already beated both leagues easily. I like strategy games like this and i enjoy beating people who though they would win with just brute force :) i would like to join for pvp, chat, and i also like to help people. My ID is Heartbeeat and my 5 fav pokes are: Darkrai, Arceus, Cobalion, Licario and Samurott; in that order. Oh, and speak english and spanish if that helps :)</t>

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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="Heartbeeat"><s>

</s><POST content="181678"><s></s>181678<e></e></POST> Hello Roborn! I'm Bryan from the USA and i'm 20 years old :) i have 310h of gameplay and i already beated both leagues easily. I like strategy games like this and i enjoy beating people who though they would win with just brute force :) i would like to join for pvp, chat, and i also like to help people. My ID is Heartbeeat and my 5 fav pokes are: Darkrai, Arceus, Cobalion, Licario and Samurott; in that order. Oh, and speak english and spanish if that helps :)<e>

Hey Bryan, come along to our discord, and we'll introduce you there.<br/>

Cheers! <br/>


Link: <URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8</URL> (Will expire in 24 hours)</r>

Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Name / In Game name tomdark<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Hours played Over 200<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Where are you from ? India<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? Twice a day. Varying time<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? Excited about the whole social aspect of PRO</r>

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Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting]


<r><QUOTE author="tomdark"><s>

</s><POST content="181726"><s></s>181726<e></e></POST> <EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Name / In Game name tomdark<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Hours played Over 200<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Where are you from ? India<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ? Twice a day. Varying time<br/>

<EMOJI seq="274c">❌</EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ? Excited about the whole social aspect of PRO<e>



Hey bud, join our discord, <URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SAlFCc8</URL></r>

Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


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