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started hoen and now my absol lvl50 is missing cloned a starter.


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Yesterday  i started Hoen region .

And i choosed mudkip as starter , and when i reached to the pokecenter i put a absol lvl 50 and a pelliper lvl 99, also my stater . And dis go to my rival.

I batle her and log off my account.

Today i have 2 equal ivs mudkips id almost equal exept last number that is +1and  with same status all equal , in replace absol is missing. In the 1st slot


Can u guys help? Thanks.

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Hello @voldis5


I'm glad to hear that your Absol is back.

Also, thank you for clarifying how the bug happened to you. Currently the bug is a known issue and is being looked into.


I'll be locking this thread now. If you run into any further issues, feel free to make a new one.

Thank you for your patience and have a great day!

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