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I can't catch the Darkrai quest!


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Hello! I don't know why i can't acess that house to catch darkrai. I just remember that i was off for some months, and last year I tried finish the quest but I failed. And now I saw that is the same event map of last year. I dont know if it works to others players, but I'm acessing every places on that event map without need do the quest. How can i do to catch Darkrai now?

I wanna my Rai!! =´(.jpg

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Hi there @S470SH1

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Since you were unable to complete the quest last year, you will need to defeat Horon at Dark Valley, North of Necropolis, without having a single Pokemon faint. Only after you've defeated him with the requirements can you re-enter the castle.


Let me know if it worked for you. 

Have a nice day!

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