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My Pokémon keep disappearing


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About halfway through the game, I had a Pikachu that was level 50. I logged on in the morning to see it had been replaced with a level 5 Charmander, and the Pikachu that I had just grinded for hours was completely gone. It gets even worse. After realizing I will never see that Pikachu again, I decided to train a shinx into a level EIGHTY Luxray. LEVEL EIGHTY. 8-0. Logged on this morning to see it had been replaced with my level 50 Pikachu. Great welcome home bud... but where is my level 80 Luxray. I don't care about this Pikachu anymore, there is not enough XP I can gain this far into the game to bring that pikachu back to level 80. Im actually furious that I wasted all that time training that luxray for it to be gone. If someone can help me get that luxray back somehow please let me know. I cant progress without it, as I am only running 3 pokemon and I am about to go to the elite 4. Please get my Luxray back.

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