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My Lv 22 Wartortle became lv 5 Squirtle!


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I had lost connection with server for a second, after re-logging i saw i have a lv 5 Squirtle!! 


I don't think its a Rollback issue, because i started the game like 5 days ago with lv 5 Squirtle! It's not a nearby recent thing that i lost! And now i have everything except only my lv 22 Wartortle is transformed into lv 5 Squirtle.


Please solve this issue as fast as possible. I'm a new player, and it's very confused.


I have proof of this bug with screenshots, luckily. 



Here, you can see i had a lv 19 earlier (check server time) in 1st pic. Then 2nd pic i have a lv 5 Squirtle (check server time).


Please, i want my Wartortle back!! Or i will "Leave" this game Forever, with all my Friends & our Gaming Community. Ty.

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