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My Lv 8 Pikachu was replaced by lv 12 Budew


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Last time i got back my Wartortle auto, and my 1st party Pokemon lv 12 Budew was disappeared. So i thought it's solved.


But now i just lost my Lv 8 Lightning Rod Timid Pikachu (that lost Budew replaced it again). I don't care about this Budew, i want my Lightning Rod Timid Pikachu back!! I had to catch lots of Pikachu to find it!!


Please help. I'm in big trouble.

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Hi there @Shiftry

I apologize for the inconvenience.


Checking our tools, I could not see any Lightning Rod Timid Pikachu. The Pikachu you are missing is Naive with Lightning Rod as the ability. It's restored now and should be in the last slot of your PC.
Can you please confirm this for me please?


Looking forward to your reply.

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