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i am xxpokemasterxx.


i bet u think ur going to read another introduction where someone is friendly... psh. not me. i am on my way to becoming pokemon champion (u better think twice before battling me). and none of u wills tand in the way of my goal. i know i am a new trainer, but i have conquered many region before (i have all 8 badges lol). if u think u can compete, dont be afraid to battle me. but if ur nothing more than a rookie, u better be ready to take a beating hahahaha!!!


now bow before me, and u will realize who is the REAL champion of this league!!

"sometimes to be the best, u gotta train the hardest"



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117043 Welcome! Look forward to tough long battles with you my fellow trainer.


May the best trainer win!


Oh and I only have one question for you.....Are you ready?


ready? pssh. i was born to be ready for my journey. nothin personnel, but one day u and me might have to fight. lets make it a good one!!!

117044 Hey pokemaster, glad to see you're enthusiastic. Its quite a long climb to the top. I hope I see you on the way there. Good luck.


thank u. but trust me, i wont need luck where im going to go hahaahahaha!!

"sometimes to be the best, u gotta train the hardest"



117082 Yo,


Mega Blastoise go!


(You can clearly hear sounds of [ref]xXPokeMasterXx[/ref] Pokemons getting rekt)

You have won battle.

Mega Blastoise comeback :Smile:


thug life :Cool:




haha you may just beat me right now, but watch your back because i will come to challenge when u least expect it!!


thanks for welcome, i appreciate it. :Cool:

"sometimes to be the best, u gotta train the hardest"



haha you may just beat me right now, but watch your back because i will come to challenge when u least expect it!!


thanks for welcome, i appreciate it. :Cool:


Hahaha no problem, love Your attitude! :Heart: Toplists are open for You in future!


btw Im noob :Crazy:

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