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pokemon duped then dissapeared


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I was training my mudkip in petalburg, when I was in the middle of a wild battle, I alt f4ed out of my client then re logged a few minutes later, when I relogged, I noticed the ralts I was training turned into a 2nd mudkip, one with the same stats my one had when I first got it as a starter, which resulted into me having my original mudkip and a 2nd mudkip that was once a ralts, after that I relogged and my original lvl 20 mudkip had turned into my original ralts and my original ralts was still in the form of a lvl 5 mudkip. I don't know what happend or how it happend but I just want to get my pokemon back.

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I always had my original ralts, it replaced my original mudkip (around lvl 20) which left me with the new lvl 5 mudkip and the ralts, 
(Sorry I forgot to mention this).

Right after I sent this reply, I logged into the game and it seems that I have my original mudkip back, I'm not  sure how this happend but its fixed now and you don't have to worry. Thanks 😄

Edited by centurykrieg
Unkown Update
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Hello @centurykrieg

As of right now, we are trying to figure out what's causing the issue, so hopefully you won't run into the same problem again.

I'll be locking this thread now. If you need further assistance or have any other questions, feel free to make a new one.


Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful day!

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