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My Pikachu was replaced by a Bulbasaur


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I was playing normally when the server kicked me out because my connection was bad. When I joined again my pikachu lv. 33 was gone, instead there was a Bulbasaur lv.5. I already have tried to search in the PC or rejoin several times and I don't know what else I can do. Is it possible for me to get back my pikachu? I don't have the ID or anything, the only proof of this is that I have a Venusaur and a Bulbasaur in my team. 


I'm new to the game and to the forums in general, so I hope I'm doing this correctly. Sorry if my english is not clear and thanks!  

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Hi there @Seraycrep

Sorry for the inconvenience.


First off, welcome to PRO. I hope you enjoy your time here. There is currently a Christmas event going on right now. You can access the event islands via Aero Airlines at Vermilion City.

As for your Pikachu, it has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me?

I'm looking forward to your reply, have a nice day!


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