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PRO Username: FlyingP0T4

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restart the game multiple times


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when i try to go login the game freezes whilst connecting to the game and then it says unable to connect

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hi, i think it have something to do with how many people who are playing the game, i have 2 version's of the game and in one version there are no information on how many people are online, but in the other one it is always 1900/1900 online, so there are no more room for any more players, that's why there is an other server coming soon. at least that's my theory.

117821 hi, i think it have something to do with how many people who are playing the game, i have 2 version's of the game and in one version there are no information on how many people are online, but in the other one it is always 1900/1900 online, so there are no more room for any more players, that's why there is an other server coming soon. at least that's my theory.

i know i played the game but sometimes you enter a queue and then i workes but that doesn't even happen anymore

Just check out Your client update, You need the latest version.


I managed to play everyday from the first contact with this game so its not THAT difficult to login.

Game have one server and still this is live beta, second server will be up soon. Probably in next few days.

You can check server status here >Server Status<

Almost all the time its full but You can still join the queue, it just takes some time. Be patient :Angel:

If this shows, just keep trying.


Logging in but nothing happens.. Relaunch client and keep trying till You will be placed in Q.


You can try to wait after the 'Logging in' disappears few mins, if nothing happens -relaunch.

For now there is no other way sadly, like I said be patient people! Its only the beggining. :Cool:

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