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Pokemon in First Slot Keeps Changing


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It seems to be the same bug experienced by this person: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/165474-pokemon-in-first-slot-always-getting-randomly-switched/

Shortly after making my account the server had a hiccup and when I reconnected the Hoothoot in my first slot had been replaced with a copy of my starter pokemon (back at level 5 as though I'd just received it, but with the same nature and IVs). Since then seemingly at random when I relog the pokemon in my first slot will disappear and be replaced by the last pokemon to have vanished. The Hoothoot came back replacing a level 20 Clefairy and I quit playing for a few weeks. Came back and made decent progress, but then the Clefairy came back replacing a low level Paras I was trying to level. Just now the level 14 Paras replaced my 45 Farfetch'd. 


I tried afk/timing out with that Charmander in my first slot but it didn't do anything. If we could swap the Charmander in my first slot for my Farfetch'd that would be swell.

Edit for clarification: The change only ever happens when I relog and the first few times it happened when the server itself kicked me and my buddy out of the game. One of the swaps happened when I afk'd out while standing in the world (not in a battle) and one of them happened when I DC'd during a wild pokemon encounter. If that helps at all with debugging.

Edited by mal3diction
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Hello @mal3diction


I'm sorry for the inconvenience that you had to experience.


Thank you for taking the time to report this. The bug itself is a known one, and we are trying to figure out why it is happening.

As for your lost Pokemon, they should now be in your party. Can you confirm this for me please?


Looking forward to your reply.

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