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Possible Bug with the mini quest where you have to find 4 Pokemon


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I've been all over the event map at least 5 times already, and I have not seen anything that even resembles a shiny litwick, pikachu, eevee, or riolu anywhere (including some of the more hidden spots). I also spent 3 Christmas coins on the hint for litwick (the first hint was that he is around shops and houses), and the second hint tells me that it is in Evergreen Island Village (which I already suspected and searched multiple times). I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentionally that difficult, but as I've mentioned, I've checked literally everywhere including behind trees, houses, etc. Thanks.

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Hi there @PlasmaVortex @ashraff


Sorry for the inconvenience as well as the delay.


I have forwarded the issue to the CS team and it should be fixed now.

Since the bug's been resolved, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make a new one should any further issues arise.


Thank you for your patience and have a lovely day!

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