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Invisible trees at Lavender town ?


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Hello! This was strange. No trees at Lavender town. Took picture so you can see guys. Some guy also said that had same problem. Hope it helps somehow to know this problem. For better game!


Sincerely yours,




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118033 Hello! This was strange. No trees at Lavender town. Took picture so you can see guys. Some guy also said that had same problem. Hope it helps somehow to know this problem. For better game!


Sincerely yours,





In my screen, having tree in here. You play in PC or phone?

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118033 Hello! This was strange. No trees at Lavender town. Took picture so you can see guys. Some guy also said that had same problem. Hope it helps somehow to know this problem. For better game!


Sincerely yours,





In my screen, having tree in here. You play in PC or phone?

on pc mate. Maybe its win 10 glitch ?


But strange because i am playing more than week and this is first time when i see this and till evening everything was good. after server downtime it appeared.

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