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2019 Darkrai Event Bug still not resolved


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Heya, I decided to return to the game after a huge let down that Pokemon Revolution brought to players during Halloween 2019 Darkrai event. Mainly speaking when partaking in event people were stripped off of their rare candies, TM's, berries and etc, and were supposed to get them back after finishing Darkrai quest line. Me as well as lots of other players never got our items returned leaving us with nothing but Darkrai and like 4 TM's we got during Darkrai quest line. Here are old posts addressing same issue back then that never got replied to: 
And finally a link to my post aging back to 2019 when the bug happened that actually got a reply which was false as staff claimed to have returned those which it didn't and just closed the thread same as many others: 
Due to pass of time and changes in staff i expect something has changed and my 600 hrs spent playing that game and collecting stuff that got taken won't be wasted :^)

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Hello @Ethershreck


First and foremost, I'd like to welcome you back to PRO. I apologize you had to experience what you did 2 years ago. It was not the team's intention to make players lose their items. We had created a thread which can be found here, where players who did lose their items can make a post with their username and server, and would have their lost items restored.


After checking and confirming with the Content Scripter team, we've found out that your items were indeed restored, however in order to receive the lost items, each player who made a request in the megathread had to speak to the Item Finder in Vermilion City, as was announced on our Official PRO Discord like so:




It seems that you weren't informed of this information, and hence was not able to get your items back. I've forwarded this issue to the Content Scripter team, and they are currently remaking the NPC so only players who haven't received their lost items the first time can get them back. 

Once the NPC is done and ready, I will inform you asap.


Hopefully this situation did not discourage you to partake in future events. If you do run into further problems, feel free to create a thread here, as we are always happy to help. With that, if there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.


Have a wonderful day!

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