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Disappearance of a PNJ


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Hello. Username In game : Sixpyk, Silver serveur. And i have a BIG bug. As you can see on the screen below, they lack NPCs. Gone, Missing, Lost
I started the quest when it arrived, surely there was a change that caused this bug.
The problem is that in addition to preventing me from capturing Celebi, he is blocking me a lot of other quests.
It is possible at the choice of : restart the quest or make the PNJ appear, or even give me a Celebi trash (or something else) that I can continue my adventure
I know you have a lot of work to do. Thank you in advance


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1 hour ago, Sixpyk said:

OMG I love you so much ! A thousand times thank you. I don't know how to thank you, you made one happy today. Good night and thank you again !


Hi. I'm glad to see the issue has been solved. I'll be locking this thread now since it the issue's been resolved. If you run into any further issues, please feel free to make a new thread. Also check the Legendary Pokemon Megathread if you need help with the quest.

Good luck catching Celebi and have a wonderful day!

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