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Adamant Tyranitar 31atk 20+others ivs
Timid h.a. Serperior 26+speed 20+other ivs(idc hidden power)

Careful h.a. Gliscor 29+hp 20+other ivs

Timid Hp Fire Magnezone 28+speed 20+other ivs

Timid Shield dust Ribombee 26+spd 20+other ivs

Adamant Scizor 31atk 20+other ivs

Adamant Unburden Hawlucha 25+atk 29+spd 20+ other ivs

Jolly Moldbreaker Excadrill 25+atk 29+spd 20+other ivs

Jolly Limber Lopunny 28+atk 31speed  20+other ivs


You can show too if only one iv is low





Edited by Lancastter
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