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<r>I would like to know if this a good eeve to go to a umbreon because i need to defeat sabrina , if not whos the best evvolution , already have a blaistoise and a pikachu , so dont need an eletric/water tipe pokemon.And btw what moveset should i put on the eve that you guys recommend<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/xxtrRVx.png"><s></e></IMG></r>

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Re: Eevee


<r><QUOTE author="Shanks"><s>

</s><POST content="112232"><s></s>112232<e></e></POST> I would like to know if this a good eeve to go to a umbreon because i need to defeat sabrina , if not whos the best evvolution , already have a blaistoise and a pikachu , so dont need an eletric/water tipe pokemon.And btw what moveset should i put on the eve that you guys recommend<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/xxtrRVx.png"><s></e></IMG><e>


No that Eevee isn't suited to become a Umbreon at all, don't waste your time on it. <br/>

What I suggest against Sabrina is getting any poke that can learn a dark move for example a easy obtainable Gastly = Gengar which can outspeed most of them or simply any poke with crunch/bite etc. like Magikarp = Gyarados for beginners.</r>

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Re: Magikarp


<t>Good Nature, IVs are like you wish, each is between 1 and 31<br/>

Maybe you should check how others players play with their pokemons to choose your moveset and don't put there every pokemon you catch.<br/>

Read and learn by yourself is better and error is human and teach you where you are doing wrong.</t>

My past is my past, focus on future

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Re: Magikarp


<r><QUOTE author="PokeEngineer"><s>

</s><POST content="113397"><s></s>113397<e></e></POST> Good Nature, IVs are like you wish, each is between 1 and 31<br/>

Maybe you should check how others players play with their pokemons to choose your moveset and don't put there every pokemon you catch.<br/>

Read and learn by yourself is better and error is human and teach you where you are doing wrong.<e>



Following this argumentation, this subforum is unnecessary. Its here to ask players concerning pvp, talk about some stratagies, get some ideas and things like that.<br/>


<QUOTE author="Shanks"><s>

</s><POST content="113381"><s></s>113381<e></e></POST> Is this magicarp good? if so how mutch is it worth and what moveset should i put in her<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/DCSNYYy.png"><s></e></IMG><e>



IVs are ok but not the best. Since magikarp is not the rarest poke out there you should find a better one.... at least max spd.<br/>


Many players use gyarados as lead with aqua tail, taunt, earthquake and dragon dance equipped with a lum berry. Thats a nice moveset but remember you can extremly surprise your opponent by using thunder wave, thunderbolt and to a lesser extent bounce.</r>

My reaction when people ask me if I'm the Barney from "Barney & Friends"

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