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Stats stats stats everywhere. Not originals? How they work?



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The white stats are your total stats. Those are the numbers used in the battle calculations. The orange is your IV value, and blue is EV value. If you catch a pokemon with the maximum of 31 IV it will have 31 more in that stat at level 100 than one you catch with 0 IV.

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123965 base stats are BASE B A S E


I think you got the definition of BASE wrong. It means a reference in this context, not necessarily the minimum value at lowest level.


" Base stats, as listed on Bulbapedia, are the Pokemon's stats at level 50 with a neutral nature, no IVs, no EVs, minus five (minus sixty in the case of HP.)"


Here is like an ELI5 discussion: https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/696959-pokemon-x/67669434


EDIT: forgot to highlight the most important part


Basically, base stats are a standardisation of every pokemon's stats onto a scale from 1 to 255

Migrating to blue server ^^,

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