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PRO Username: Hossenfeffer204

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

I actually froze in a pokecentre so i closed the game and reloaded, i waited a full queue of 1000 ish people, it finally counted down to 3,2,1 and once it hit one and then the quene screen dissappeared and i am still waiting to join.


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Once it did the disappear counter the first time i knew it didnt connect me so i hit login again, the Queue timer is now up again... and i have a rewait time..


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I find this very very disappointing for i've now sat and waited for about 2 two hours, i have waited through two q timers. And the game hasn't let me in. I am unsure if my account is broken for its just been letting me count down and not putting me in.


I believe that is this a problem and needs to be looked into. I really dont mind the Q but when i need to actually click it twice and sit through two .. that is kinda a little much.

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124445 I've just had same experience.

why is that happening?


No idea, but also happened to my friend. Then after the que again everything was fine. Maybe it's because we have to wait in que starting at 800 the whole time. Not that I'm complaining just shedding light on said subject that it's happening to others as well.

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