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Green Server?


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125136 You think it might be possible to create youre own server ?

to go back to the original idee to play whit friends

No, because this would make cheating really easy.

I know but wouldn't this be responsability for the host and if they would work on it it might be easy to avoid .

Plus cheating can sometimes be fun if you just want to battle your friends whit lvl 100 pokemons whitout having to grind it could be an option maybe ?

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125118 Since even the Blue Server already has long ques. Is there a Green Server on the way? :Light:


Or Gold/Silver? :Exclam:

first of all blue just come and second does the colour matter ? :D i will be happy with any colour :D


T̴̝̖̯͉̜̳̋̋̊̐͛̕E̸̢̤̼͈͔͊̃̀̈́̕͠ͅĀ̴̧̻̟̞̣̰̐̿̄͆͂M̴̘̤̣̘̯̺͌̐̃̃̂̑ ̸̞̗̞̘͖̈́͂͛̐́̕ͅP̷͎̹̟̦̮̏̍̋̇̏̅͜Ḻ̵̬̻͙̞̘͗̐̉̔̂̌Ả̴̪̫͓̥̱͐̀͆͜͠͠Ş̷̹̘̹̹͕̈́̓̌͛́̑M̵͖̰̲̟̺̝̓̑͊̂̿̕A̴̡̛͉̫̲͚̼̎̊̎́̇ ̴̧̭͓̱̩͇͒͆̅͗̆̑Ŗ̵̪̼͍͇̲̍́̇͐̒̿U̴̡̖̖̘͇̫̓̐̾̓͊̉L̸͚̻͚̗̺͓̃͆̋͝͝͝Ȩ̶͇̣͖̻̰͒̓̒͛̈́͝Z̵̧̰͔͓̭͖͌̿͌̃́͘ ><*

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While it is natural to want an instant solution to any game-stifling problem, we should not recede away from the fact that there is always a risk/reward trade-off to be interbalanced before making any major financial decisions. The reward is obviously more capacious of vacancies to house players, but the risks are loomingly game-breaking while we have yet to ascertain if this is going to be a short- or long-term problem.


Firstly, we need to contextualize the current circumstances and how the issue may rectify itself on its own over time.


Most of the interminable queuing is currently done on the Red server; that is because it has obviously amassed all of the veterans who are hesitant to disinvest themselves from the server to start afresh and play on Blue regularly, and thus it's only realistic that the mass preponderance of players do not want to migrate to that secondary server yet.


More paramount to the problem that no one has mentioned, however, is that we have been unexpectedly hit with a massive influx of newer players—most of which converged from a bevy of high-profile Youtubers that have promoted PRO—that have lent themselves into the overswamping of the game. Only time can tell whether or not these are precursors to similar-scale influxes of newer players moving into the future or if they are only bouts; until then, it would be foresightless—and unnecessarily dissipitative to our resources—to invest into another server when we can't foreknow if that monetary investment will hold its weight in the long haul.


Anything can happen over time with the current excess of players; many are bound to end up either quitting, going inactive or banned. It is more implausible, however, to suggest that we'll have similar surges of newer players, because the recent ones we have were more of a product of temporary LPers—most of which have decentered PRO and moved on to another project—than they were of any permanent promotional agent. The amount quitting or decelerating their activity may very well outnumber the amount joining under normal circumstances; we just need time to haul on to prove if those circumstances are normalizing, or if we are looking at a steepened standard of normality with our regular playerbase.


Long story short is that it would be imprudent to use extraordinary circumstances in the short term to dictate extraordinary changes to a long-term system. If we are to integrate a tertiary server in Green (conjectural name) in our game-server network, it'll be preceded by not just the financial quantum needed to pay for it; it will also require a critical analysis among the staff to decide if it's investment-worthy, and it's much too early to make that decision regardless of our financial standpoint.

125131 why dont they just increase the cap. on both servers?


Not going to happen anytime soon, and it'd undermine the biggest purpose of having multiple servers to begin with: divvying up the bandwidth usage on each one. At some point, an unwieldy amount of players will exhaust the limited amount of bandwidth allotted to each server in addition to overcongesting the limited amount of space there is with the in-game maps—to the point where the game may be rendered unplayable.


We had a steeper server cap previously as a stopgap solution for housing more players, but it posed a slippery slope (as mentioned above) that we do not want to take a risk with regularly. We'll take a stable game to cater to those on the seemingly finite server capacities over an unstable game with more server slots any day.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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I agree with Sornin, i don't know how much cost a server but i'm sure all the people that are playing PRO would be happy to donate something for a new server, also the idea about twich is really good, internet is full of people ready to help for something they like and we all love pokèmon :Shy:

I hope you admin will consider this options, we will glad to help your game become bigger :Angel:

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Wow the use of those highfalutin words by Naero. I feel like in college again hehe XD. Now I see though that they just want to avoid financial risk and they think the influx of new players is just temporary mostly due to popular youtubers.

Migrating to blue server ^^,

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Naero you try to sound so smart but you write 100 words when 10 would suffice. I can tell you write a lot of reports and fill them up so that people think you did a lot of work. Also using words that aren't common place makes the message less understood and undermines the message's delivery

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