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Re: insta shop. (pvp pokemon)


<t>whats the lvl of talonflame ?</t>


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Re: insta shop. (pvp pokemon)


<r><QUOTE author="xianyu"><s>

</s><POST content="125710"><s></s>125710<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Yohoneysingh"><s>
</s><POST content="125709"><s></s>125709<e></e></POST> whats the lvl of talonflame ?<e>




It will be hard to lvl so I can offer 100k</r>


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[glow=purple]Invest in bank Today to make your money safe and get interest (Profit) on it ...!!

... Need of money? Take a loan now and fulfill your needs and pay later...??[/glow]

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