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Hey everyone, me and some others found out about your game a few days ago. We've tried pokemon MMOs before and they seemed a bit shoddy, poorly put together and had annoying restrictions. So i was really surprised at how professional Revolution is, it's clear there's a lot of love put into this and I'm excited to get started again once the servers reopen!


One of my friends streams all our gameplay which will definitely include Revolution when it opens again:

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I'm glad you see PRO like the rest of us do!


Welcome to our humble community! I hope to see you in game soon! :)

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Check out my Team Building guide below!





Brilliant :) Also found this game few days ago after playing a restricated pokemon mmo for months which was hardly updated and promises weren't kept to add new features.. PRO is well written and designed! Coming from a games designer myself, I'm very impressed and look forward to the live game!




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