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2nd, gym, misty


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iv'e gone at misty literally about 30 times now, she wipes me out every single time with her Starmie, is there a Pokemon that will definitely be able to 1v1 her starmie with no trouble? at a decently obtainable level, currently my team is lvl: 23 Bronzor, lvl: 23 Charmealon, lvl: 19 Poliwag, lvl: 15 Venomoth, lvl: 14 Weepinbell, and lvl: 13 Spearow


usually my Weepinbell takes out Poliwag and half of Horsea, ill take out the rest of Horsea with my Venomoth, sometimes if my Venomoth can't do it ill pull out my Poliwag to do it, but then i get to Starmie, and she wipes everything out, 1 shots my Charmealon, Spearow, Venmoth if i use it for that fight, and it 2-3 shots my Bronzor even after using confuse ray on it.


i'm just so tired of misty and being stuck in this one spot, power leveling is way slow so i'm not going to spend 2 hours to level up a Magikarp into a Gyrados which i heard doesn't do bad, i just want to move on


any help?

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Gyarados is legit the best thing in Kanto.


Sweeped every gym.


Gyarados and Weeping should be more than enough. Level them up a bit more and you're solid.


Wait till you get to the E4 if you think this is bad. I'm having to level my whole party to 80ish and it's taking ages.


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127174 Gyarados is legit the best thing in Kanto.


Sweeped every gym.


Gyarados and Weeping should be more than enough. Level them up a bit more and you're solid.


Wait till you get to the E4 if you think this is bad. I'm having to level my whole party to 80ish and it's taking ages.


okay then what is the best way at my state, not being able to go anywhere further than cerulean city, to power level a magikarp? just mt moon? have magikarp out first and kill with poliwag?

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127170 iv'e gone at misty literally about 30 times now, she wipes me out every single time with her Starmie, is there a Pokemon that will definitely be able to 1v1 her starmie with no trouble? at a decently obtainable level, currently my team is lvl: 23 Bronzor, lvl: 23 Charmealon, lvl: 19 Poliwag, lvl: 15 Venomoth, lvl: 14 Weepinbell, and lvl: 13 Spearow


usually my Weepinbell takes out Poliwag and half of Horsea, ill take out the rest of Horsea with my Venomoth, sometimes if my Venomoth can't do it ill pull out my Poliwag to do it, but then i get to Starmie, and she wipes everything out, 1 shots my Charmealon, Spearow, Venmoth if i use it for that fight, and it 2-3 shots my Bronzor even after using confuse ray on it.


i'm just so tired of misty and being stuck in this one spot, power leveling is way slow so i'm not going to spend 2 hours to level up a Magikarp into a Gyrados which i heard doesn't do bad, i just want to move on


any help?

for cheap tips, i recommend rattata, it got sucker punch on lvl 19 to fight starmie.

anyway moved to proper forum

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127174 Gyarados is legit the best thing in Kanto.


Sweeped every gym.


Gyarados and Weeping should be more than enough. Level them up a bit more and you're solid.


Wait till you get to the E4 if you think this is bad. I'm having to level my whole party to 80ish and it's taking ages.


okay then what is the best way at my state, not being able to go anywhere further than cerulean city, to power level a magikarp? just mt moon? have magikarp out first and kill with poliwag?


I did something along those lines.


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