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Hey guys! Talir here, I just wanted to introduce myself for a moment and give a special shout-out to the dev's. I'm Talir, and I'm from The Netherlands. My favorite Pokemon would be: Pidgeot. Ever since I was a kid I've always had a thing for Pokemon. Even to this day and age, 23. I still can't help but bust out the NDS while I'm traveling, or play a couple of Pokemon Trading Card Game's while I'm studying in between. A good friend of mine introduced me to Pokemon-Revolution-Online a couple of days ago. I was kinda skeptical at first cause I always assumed PokeMMO was the only ''worthy'' competitor when it came to the entire ''Online setting'' but holy guacamole have you guys blown me away. I can wholeheartedly say I'm already starting to get addicted. The entire experience, the immersion, the community. It's perfect. I still can't believe the amount of people that found out about this, thousands of players queuing up to play this game, every single day. Thank you to all the dev's, mod's, players and everyone else who adds to the entire Revolution experience.


Stay awesome guys!


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