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Login Queue


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Thank you for your reply~


I've been lurking in the IRC for awhile, I know what's up with membership/capacity. I'm just saying, even if the capacity goes up, the server may still encounter situations where there are more players than open slots, so adding a login queue proactively is still a good idea, in my opinion. A pre-emptive strike, if you will, against possible future scenarios such as what was encountered today.


It'd be cool for this to be confirmed/denied outright, but I understand you can't really answer, as there's only one programmer and he'd be the one having to do the work.


Whether it be increasing the server capacity, having multiple servers, or creating a queue; something will be done to help as many players get into the game as possible. You're exactly right in your reasoning about the server queue. It has a clear-cut benefit since increasing the cap doesn't necessarily mean that everyone will be allowed to play when they want.


Hopefully we'll get this sorted out as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.


multiple servers are a bad idea imo as it just splits up the playerbase ._.

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