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Amazing idea, Although I do think interest is too much, Put it in the Pokemon centers for convenient access so the economy runs smooth with no trip time from bank to buyers/sellers, This would be perfect for Pokemon traders carrying semi full parties to sell also minimizing how many strong Pokemon needed as there is no money is being risked, I support it. :y: :Heart-eyes: :thanks:

pokemon art zertziese.jpg

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128538 I think it would be best to have a way to deposit/withdrawl from the bank in the upper floors of the Pokemon Center and then special features can be used when you go to the actual bank building. Just an idea though.

[glow=green]That's good thinking, I like[/glow]

pokemon art zertziese.jpg

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If the point is to prevent you from losing 5% of your money, why not just remove the 5% loss for fainting in the first place? It would save having to code a feature that is pretty useless otherwise.


In the meantime though, you could protect your money by trading it to a second account. I think you're allowed 2 accounts.

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128580 If the point is to prevent you from losing 5% of your money, why not just remove the 5% loss for fainting in the first place? It would save having to code a feature that is pretty useless otherwise.
There is at least a bit of thinking and difficulty when you save money in the bank though, unlike when you just completely remove losing your money. You gotta be smarter about how much money you have on you and learn to regularly withdrawl/deposit a good amount. If there are any other features to the bank, such as interest or being able to loan, there is more thinking involved (though I doubt these features would be in the game).
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