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well you can use your kanto pokemon for the elite four for johto if you choose to do so (i dont know if this community frowns upon that but i am doing that with 2 of my kanto pokes). i attempted the johto e4 with pokemon from lvl 73 to lvl 88 the first attempt and i didnt even get past the first member, granted my party wasnt ev trained nor are they necessarily good pokemon.


as far as the next thing after the johto e4 there is mt. silver and you can battle Trainer Red, but you will need absolute god tier pokemon because all of his are of level 120 from what i have heard. beating Red allows access to trainer valley. also you can do side quests like the one that requires you to beat the level 120 dragonite in b1f of dragons den which you are able to battle after becoming a member of the dragon club. following this quest line unlocks access to cerulean cave.


if you are a PRO member you are also able to go to numerous other islands like the sevii islands and love island after meeting the requirements for both.




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