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Welcome to Eevee Emporium: Poke Shop for all things Eeevee

Standard Eevees

These Eevees are generic, I will not post any specific ones here as i typically have anywhere from 5-15 in PC at any given time & they sell quick.

These Eevees sell for 5k each, batch discount rates vary (typically 3-4k each per batch order over 3)


Intermediate Eevees

These Eevees have some or most IVs over 20 and are typically good for specific Eevee evolutions


2jyvxc.jpg sold for 25k



Epic Eevees

These Eevees' IVs are ALL over 20 with good nature & ability---serious offers only


15ofqqv.jpg sold for 150k




314tjpg.jpg e63kax.jpg dxl2c8.jpg sold for 100k



Eevee Bounty Hunter

Don't see the Eevee you're looking for? Let me find it for you!


> PM me the type of Eevee you're searching for (i.e. IVs, nature & ability) and I'll find it for you

> Pricing: Service fee of 10k + Value of Poke (value varies)

> Add priority for 5k extra (I will actively seek your Eevee over other requests)

> PM all bounty requests



Important Shop Information

> PM wubbaducky731 in game or on forums for sales---feel free to friend me as well

> Seller reserves the right to decline offers and trades

> All pokes without a stated price require buyer to OFFER first

> Valid Currency: Pokedollar, Rare Candy, Membership (RC and MS determined by going market rate)

> Returns accepted on case-by-case basis

> Other:

--I will attempt to update this shop frequently & reserve these pokes for forum frequenters

--I also buy Eevees & am constantly accepting offers

--Please leave comments and reviews!

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133852 i tried to add u ingame but you never online XD. can u tell me what time you on? really wanna buy a good eeve (umbreon) :3 ( sr for not PM's, i've post anything yet :3 )


I'm usually online at peak hours, but ive been off the past 2 days, pm me on here when you can (:

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