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Hi! I just got into this game tonight and it's been fun, so I was thinking about selling art because I'm dying to get a mount.


I'm too new to post images since they're links, but you can see:

A couple busts I drew @ storm-els.tumblr.com/tagged/elsword-doodles

Another drawing I did @ orig05.deviantart.net/03b3/f/2016/056/3/d/untitled_by_stormgale-d9t3des.png

And a chibi @ i.imgur.com/h0HWgbe.png


I have no idea if there's any demand for art or how to price anything since I'm a noob, so any help with pricing would be appreciated.



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  • 2 months later...

Hey :)


first....sry for my bad english ^^



I am looking for someone that can make me a Signature with my Favorite Pokemon: Sylveon and a Cool guy as Trainer xD Maybe like Mikoto from K-Projekt :3


aah and the Name "Asgardil" pls ^^



I have not much money on PRO, i can only pay 50k, i hope this is enough q.q ( I am playing on the Blue server)



Thanks for your attention an have a nice day ;)

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