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Hi, my project aim to combined many information as possible, for newbie become the oldie. So it will convenience for just one tab rather than many tabs in playing and experience PRO :Grin: Thanks for reading


[glow=red]CHARACTER CREATION[/glow]


You will start the game with some talking from Professor Oak. Yes, same as original Pokemon game of Nintendo

And the next scene will be [glow=green]Character Sheet[/glow] for your creation to character ingame. The hair and cloths can be change latter as your process ingame. However, bear in mind that at this time, Hair Cut system still not implement.[glow=red]Sometimes you will be freeze when click on changing gender for your character. The solution is restart the game only! [/glow]




You will not start from Pallet town as original game. But will start at the place called START :Cry: Yes, make sense! Nothing do in this place, just walking and try to explore many button and the interface of game as well. Go down and ahead until you see the battle NPC between Red and the Lance.

After some talking, you will move to your Room at Pallet Town. And now, your journey begin same as original game


[glow=red]Pallet Town[/glow]


Go downstairs and then talking with your Mom. She will talking about Professor Oak want to meet you... Yup, go outside and take a look at your hometown. The lab of Oak is the biggest house in this place (right bottom)

In PRO, you will have [glow=green]4 starters[/glow] to choose1.png4.png7.png25.png [glow=yellow]If you want pick Pikachu, you need talk to all 3 others and then cancel - he will be on the balls at the corner behind Professor Oak[/glow]

Which one should I choose?

1.pngBest for gym 1 and 2, hard for gym 7 - rare and only can catch in Safari

4.pngBest for gym 4, hard for gym 2 - rare and only can catch in Cinaba mansion

7.pngBest for gym 1 and 7, hard for gym 3 and 4 - rare and only can catch in vermilion suft

25.pngBest for gym 2, hard for gym 1, uncommon and can catch in viridian forest/power plant. Meet some battles with Jessie, James and Meowth. Only the owner can teach Suft for Pikachu and don't need to have Pikachu Lv100 in team for beat boss Jessie and James Lv120

Personality, the chosen of starter is not really important as you can catch it after, and I also will hint you to catch the pokemon for pass Gym easily too. Thus, I will choose Bubalsaur as it hard to obtain after without fees, or Pikachu as advantage of teaching Suft move and other future features. Btw, it's your choice![glow=red]From now, do not evolute pokemon as it is easier to lvup if don't evolute it[/glow]

Let take a look to your pokemon first

[glow=white]White[/glow] is your stat pokemon

[glow=tomato]Red[/glow] is Individual Value (IV) - cannot change anyway

[glow=deepskyblue]Blue[/glow] is Effort Value (IV) - can be gain from trainning + reset by berries

[glow=yellow]Happy[/glow] of your pokemon can check by type [glow=yellow]/happy number-your-pokemon-in-team[/glow] For example: /happy 1

After received your first pokemon, come back home to say goodbye your mom, and go upstairs for pick up 2 items in there. Then go outside and [glow=green]talk with evee[/glow]133.png in the middle map. Prepare yourself, you will have battle with Jackson! He uses Evee Lv5 btw ^^


[glow=red]Route 1[/glow]


In this route you will find the first [glow=green]hidden items[/glow] - 3 Potions. I was red marked for you also ^^ Enjoy. And don't forget talk with NPC in there, one of them also give you [glow=green]1 potion[/glow]. Start game with free gift, not bad

You can [glow=green]pickup berries[/glow] from now in games - it will reset after 3 days. About headbutt tree, you will need pokemon have headbutt move and maximum happy for using. I will show u how to obtain it latter

List of normal berry

Bag_Cheri_Berry_Sprite.pngCheri Berry - Cures paralysis

Bag_Chesto_Berry_Sprite.pngChesto Berry - Cures sleep

Bag_Pecha_Berry_Sprite.pngPecha Berry - Cures poison

Bag_Rawst_Berry_Sprite.pngRawst Berry - Cures burn

Bag_Aspear_Berry_Sprite.pngAspear Berry - Cures freeze

Bag_Persim_Berry_Sprite.pngPersim Berry - Cures confusion

Bag_Lum_Berry_Sprite.pngLum Berry - Cures any status condition

Bag_Leppa_Berry_Sprite.pngLeppa Berry - Restores 10 PP

Bag_Oran_Berry_Sprite.pngOran Berry - Restores 10 HP

This place also the 1st place for you train lv pokemon at low level. [glow=red]Now try to catch 1-2 Pokemon with Pokeball, it will help you avoid to blackout with penaty lose 5% amount in total money. Working as saving slot without using Revive.[/glow] I recommend catch 19.pngRattata as he can pass almost gym with his move. Last, talk/meet with pokemon in game will help adding Seen to dex also and when u catch it - it will adding Owned data to dex, try it!

Adding Owned data to dex is requirement for some quest and access specific location after

Go ahead and u will come Viridian city from there


[glow=red]Viridian City[/glow]


This city is very big and you will comeback regularly after gym 7. Gym 8 is located at this city, however, you can only battle when u have 7 badges only. I recommend you need to heal at Pokemon Centre and then lvup both your pokemons at least Lv8 before going continue story (assumes you have 2 pokemon in current team)

In this city have 2 item for pick up (also can re-pick per week)

Read Route 22 part and then you can continue on Viridian City part....

After you completed Route 22 part, you need to lvup all your team now to lv10 (at least 2 poke at lv10+ and 1 poke at lv 8+). When you finish the training, come to viridian school for battle with Jackson ^^ He has 133.pngevee lv8, so it very easy to beat him. [glow=red]Just in case you lose him, go back Pallet Town and then go in the house of Jackson (next your house) tell his mom, she will beat him for you[/glow]

After finish/kill him, now you can go ahead to route 2


[glow=red]Route 22[/glow]


This route will lead you to victory road for E4 champion, but it is not the time at the moment (need 8 badges and you can go victory road). Not much thing to do in there, you only need catch 60.pngpoliwag at night and 56.pngmankey has Covet move

Covet - inflicts damage and steals the wild pokemon's held item

These pokemon is very good to beat gym 1 and covet will help you alot for hunting item after. When you done, read back to viridian city part for story process continue ^^


[glow=red]Route 2[/glow]


Not much thing to do in here, need to catch 209.pngSnubbull for your team only. He has almost move can help to pass all gym in Kanto. Here is your team now (except starter)19.png56.png60.png209.png


[glow=red]Viridian Forest[/glow]


In this place, have a secret place called [glow=yellow]Viridian Maze[/glow] where pick up [glow=green]EV berries[/glow], [glow=green]TM23 - Dragon Rage[/glow] and [glow=green]Abandoned pokemon[/glow] (random one of three pokemon 116.pngHorsea, 69.pngBellsprout and 58.pngGrowlithe). Here is the map

You will also need to try catch 406.pngBudew at daytime and 25.pngPikachu everytime, these two pokemon is Occasional rarity. The rarity system can check in here for per pokemon Rarity System in PRO







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