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What you'll need

Any type of console controller... PS/Xbox

Operating System: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista




1. (Download, download and download some more.)

  1.a Before we download and install the files needed. We'll need WinRAR to extract those files. Click on this link and download the file. I'd advise to make a new folder for each file on your desktop to not make a mess. (https://www.rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-610b2.exe)

1.b Go ahead and do the same for JoyToKey, here's the link. (https://joytokey.net/download/JoyToKeySetup_en.exe)

1.c The second to last thing we'll need to download is DS4, linky here (https://github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/releases/download/v3.0.18/DS4Windows_3.0.18_x64.zip)

1.d And lastly my config for JTK so you won't have to hassle with it 🙂 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dJ5oJUIu-QpjygZQOw2c0xxbhRzt4RhG/view?usp=sharing)

2. (Ok but hows it work...?)

 2.a  Firstly DS4, we should have already extracted the file to the folder we created but if we haven't go ahead and do that using WinRAR.

Now we have the unzipped file, go in it and open DS4. Head to the settings tab and click on the driver setup. Follow the instructions and you should see your controller in the controllers tab. (Make sure it's plugged in or connected via Bluetooth)

2.b Onto JTK, we don't need to mess with the app much just open it up and make sure it's not corrupted or anything.

Now go to your documents on your file explorer and look for the JoyToKey folder. Now, that google drive file you just download goes into there. If for some reason it doesn't show up in the program try renaming it to the other .cfg you see in there and replacing it.


That should be it, if you have any issues I'll help to the best of my abilities. Should look something like this. tada image.png.1562aaf44ddc6a2d51dd551755e8c74b.pngimage.png.5803d06b64d5b920b656faa79a09c45c.png




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