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PRO Username: crashtech

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

I just moved to Jhoto, but it's something that happens everywhere


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

I left a very good item on a pokemon before going to Jhoto, a Leftoovers, and I can see it on the computer but I can't get it. Why is this happen? Actually, every-time that I want to get an item, I must get the pokemon first, than get the item.


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It would be great if we can catch items without getting the pokemon holding it.


Besides of that, can I ask to remove the Leftovers from my Granbull lvl 79 and put it in my backpack?

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So I will answer your post in three parts.


1) Before going into Johto you are warned that you wont be able to use your pokemon or remove them from the PC until you get the 8th badge in Johto.


2) Your suggestion about being able to remove the items without removing the pokemon is great. And as such you should post your suggestion about that [glow=red]here[/glow].


3) About getting your leftover from your Pokemon and put into your backpack. If the staff did this they would have to do it for everyone and not just you. As such I don't think this will be happening as the staff like to treat all players the same way without providing favor to any one player.


I am truly sorry that you won't have access to the leftovers in Johto but there are other ways to combat not having leftovers. You can get berries, potions, or abilities like rest, dream eater, recover, or any of the drain abilities.

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