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PRO Username: Aotan

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

Nothing wrong


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Try to evolve my happiny with different way


Description and Message

Hey, I can't evolve my happiny, it's the day and he holds oval stone, he lvl up and not evolve I don't understand why.

Help me please !

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131696 PRO Username: Aotan

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

Nothing wrong


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Try to evolve my happiny with different way


Description and Message

Hey, I can't evolve my happiny, it's the day and he holds oval stone, he lvl up and not evolve I don't understand why.

Help me please !

Sadly, the oval stone not coded atm, will be in the future. Sr about your problem :Ambivalent:

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