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[pre]SOLD 1 MIL TO Bergilton[/pre]


An amazing max spd/spc attack frosslass with decent hp and a speed nature. He is a great powerhouse with that moveset.


Gardevoir max spd/spc attack with spc attack nature along with high HP (He works great with shadow ball and choice scarf)

[pre]SOLD TO SEPHIRIYA 700K[/pre]



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Re: Epic max IV PVP Gengar, Frosslass and gardevoir


<r><QUOTE author="poiqweuyrt01"><s>

  poiqweuyrt01 said:
</s><POST content="132373"><s></s>132373<e></e></POST> so put the time for when finish.. or u just want wait a good price until someone bo<e>


I just cant let it go that cheap, I bought the snorunt during Christmas event for 700k then ev trained and got too 100. I rather just do instant buyout prices or a trade agreement.</r>

Re: Epic max IV PVP Gengar, Frosslass and gardevoir


<r><QUOTE author="GhostMaster"><s>

  GhostMaster said:
</s><QUOTE author="poiqweuyrt01"><s>
  poiqweuyrt01 said:
</s><POST content="132373"><s></s>132373<e></e></POST> so put the time for when finish.. or u just want wait a good price until someone bo<e>


I just cant let it go that cheap, I bought the snorunt during Christmas event for 700k then ev trained and got too 100. I rather just do instant buyout prices or a trade agreement.<e>



gl try to sell 700k or more lmao</r>

Re: Epic max IV PVP Gengar, Frosslass and gardevoir


<r><QUOTE author="Pokemaster16"><s>

  Pokemaster16 said:
</s><POST content="132438"><s></s>132438<e></e></POST> I dont exactly know what to offer but i will post it 300k gengar<e>

I bought the gastly for 900k and trained it so 1 mil is lowest I can go on it</r>

Re: Epic max IV PVP Gengar, Frosslass and gardevoir


<r><QUOTE author="GhostMaster"><s>

  GhostMaster said:
</s><POST content="132567"><s></s>132567<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Pokemaster16"><s>
  Pokemaster16 said:
</s><POST content="132438"><s></s>132438<e></e></POST> I dont exactly know what to offer but i will post it 300k gengar<e>

I bought the gastly for 900k and trained it so 1 mil is lowest I can go on it<e>


...........sorry aint got that much u can take 400k as BO for now</r>

Re: Epic max IV PVP Gengar, Frosslass and gardevoir



  GhostMaster said:
<PRE><s>[pre]</s>PRICES ARE FIRM AND INSTANT<e>[/pre]</e></PRE>


[align=center]<B><s></s>Perfect Iv timid Gengar 31 speed 31 spc attack<e></e></B>[/align]<br/>

[align=center]<IMG src="https://i67.tinypic.com/20t1ooz.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]

<PRE><s>[pre]</s>price 1 mil<e>[/pre]</e></PRE>


I'll buy Gengar right now for 1 million<br/>

And I'll also buy Gardevoir for 500k<br/>

IGN: Bergilton<br/>

Let me know if any other offers arise</r>

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