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After a bit of digging in the forum(I didn't went verry deep), I coudn't find out if the subject has been mentioned... so here is my suggestion:

Make a trade/auction house^^

But for it to be perfect ( in my opinion) here is what it would need

Just to be clear this does not have the purpose of replacing the trade chat, just to go with it and make the PRO trading system better


[glow=red]Regarding Auction[/glow]

-What about a system where evryone could deposit a pokémon , give it a base offer and a time limit

-Also it would be amazing to be able to " rate " the available auctions with a +and- system based on:

-The rarity of the pokémon

-The Base price (just to avoid overpriced or underpriced pokémons)

-The number of current offers for this auction

-I think it would be great if we could deposit the pokémon and simply let it here ( even when we are offline)

-A way to easyly search through the offers (a bit like the dex)


[glow=red]Regarding trade[/glow]

-Be able to leave the pokémon and go offline

-A +and- system to rate the trade offers and avoid abuses ( and give awareness to great pokémons)

-A way to easyly search through the offers (a bit like the dex)

-A way to search with the iv and ev


That will be all I think

And if it's no possible then..... :Nervous:

The best [glow=gold]shiney[/glow] I caught so far


132848 After a bit of digging in the forum(I didn't went verry deep), I coudn't find out if the subject has been mentioned... so here is my suggestion:

Make a trade/auction house^^

But for it to be perfect ( in my opinion) here is what it would need

Just to be clear this does not have the purpose of replacing the trade chat, just to go with it and make the PRO trading system better


[glow=red]Regarding Auction[/glow]

-What about a system where evryone could deposit a pokémon , give it a base offer and a time limit

-Also it would be amazing to be able to " rate " the available auctions with a +and- system based on:

-The rarity of the pokémon

-The Base price (just to avoid overpriced or underpriced pokémons)

-The number of current offers for this auction

-I think it would be great if we could deposit the pokémon and simply let it here ( even when we are offline)

-A way to easyly search through the offers (a bit like the dex)


[glow=red]Regarding trade[/glow]

-Be able to leave the pokémon and go offline

-A +and- system to rate the trade offers and avoid abuses ( and give awareness to great pokémons)

-A way to easyly search through the offers (a bit like the dex)

-A way to search with the iv and ev


That will be all I think

And if it's no possible then..... :Nervous:

Hi ^^ the auction house was planned and will be release when the service stable :Grin:

132852 Hi ^^ the auction house was planned and will be release when the service stable

Oh .... sorry then.. I didn't knew .. My bad :Cry:

Don't worry. You can adding ideas for make auction house to be better. Don't worry :Grin:

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