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Low-priority suggestions


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Yeeeah I know these aren't the most important things and you've got bigger fish to fry for the moment, but there's a few minor things I'd like to see eventually.


1: It'd be cool if the summary window popped up when we caught wild pokemon, including those sent to the PC. This will make catching for IV's a lot more convenient in the future, just making the suggestion ahead of the curve. Having to run back and forth from the PC just to see if you caught anything worthwhile is going to be a completely unnecessary pain in the butt if this isn't added.


2: I really, really wish I could manually resize the game window. I tend to multitask by always half-screening two programs, and PRO won't let me do that. Ideally, I'd want to run PRO on one half of my monitor and a browser on the other half for video streaming. Really helps with the monotony of leveling/IV hunting/EV training.


3: PC item storage would be nice. I can only imagine everyone is going to end up with a lot of items in their inventory, and having PC item storage would make keeping the excess items to a minimum a lot easier. I like having my inventory at least somewhat organized so I don't have to waste time looking for items when I need them.

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