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PRO Username: afonsoml

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Im cannot enter the cerulean cave, i have talked to Lance in dragons den, i think it is bugged

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134989 PRO Username: afonsoml

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


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Description and Message

Im cannot enter the cerulean cave, i have talked to Lance in dragons den, i think it is bugged

You need to talk to the Cerulean Cave guardian in order to battle Lance, and you need to defeat him to be granted access to the said cave

134989 PRO Username: afonsoml

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


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Description and Message

Im cannot enter the cerulean cave, i have talked to Lance in dragons den, i think it is bugged

Requirment: Dragon Membership (costs 200k at blackthorn), you need Dragon Ms to enter Dragons Den B1f (need to register 240 Pokes in your Pokedex and 40 evolved to fight Dragonite)


1) Go to Cerulean City, talk to the guard, he says that a Dragon Master in Johto can give you the access to Cerulean Cave

2) Now you need to go to Dragons Den B1f (requires Dragon Membership which costs 200k + you need 240 Pokemons owned), Lance will await you. you need to fight him. A guide so you know what Pokes he got: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9593

3) Go to Cerulean Cave. The Guard now will let you go into Cerulean Cave.

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