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PRO Username: Voltomic

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner


What have you done before the problem was there?

Just downloaded the files off Media Fire. I am a 64 bit windows computer


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

I have tried uninstalling and re installing.


Description and Message

Every time i download the game i click the .exe files and get these messages from winrar:


C:\Users\David\Downloads\PRO941_64 (3).zip: Checksum error in C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa0.862\PRO64_94_Data\resources.assets.resS. The file is corrupt

C:\Users\David\Downloads\PRO941_64 (3).zip: The archive is corrupt


This I believe is affecting my Character creation because, when i open the game I am not able to see the customization options. instead i see glitched Images of different things. friends of mine have downloaded this without any issues. IDK whats going on..Help?

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