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Lost my Pokemon


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This is my first time logging out in more than a year and i lost the 5 pokemon in my team but i still have all the progress the badges and the pokedex. Is there a way to recover them ? i don't remeber all of them but i had a Raichu, baltoise, gyarados, charisard and venusaur gengar that were over lvl 70 and some others around lvl 50.


Thank you,

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Hi @ashhki


Sorry for the inconvenience.


There seems to be a level 33 Adamant Gyarados in your party right now. I couldn't find any other Gyarados that was around level 50-70. You had traded a level 27 Gengar, level 60 Venusaur, level 80 Raichu, and a level 70 Arcanine as well as a level 77 Blastoise along with some other Pokemon in a different transaction to suntsun on the 16th of August, 2020. There was no Charizard at all unfortunately.


I hope this helped you. 

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