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Because Azumarill was traded to the wrong winner, I have reversed the trade. The following players have received the changes below:

@Bermie25 3.2M Pokedollar has been returned to you, and Azumarill was moved to the rightful winner.
@Correcte Azumarill has been moved to your account, and 3M Pokedollar deducted. Enjoy.
@Agate 200K, the difference between 3M and 3.2M, has been deducted from your account.

To @Agate:

When there are doubts over the auction's result, please report a post and wait for a Trade Moderator to review and instruct you what to do next. You did not wait and ended up trading the Pokemon to the wrong winner. This could cause unwanted issues that could have totally been avoided. We unfortunately have to issue the appropriate punishment to your account here. Please be careful next time, and give a good read to our General Trade Rules and Auction Rules.

This concluded the auction. Take care.

Kind regards,


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