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celdon gamecorner Giovanni BUGG


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so this is how it happened :

i kept loosing to giovanni i never won but one time ( like the 3rd / 4th time) when i talked to him he talked like i won and gave me the eevee ( no silph scope tho ) .

i went to the police officer outside he talked like i won and dissapeared.

i got the rainbow badge.

i went to ghost tower i couldnt enter it still says that i should go to the police officer ( and as i said he isnt there anymore)

so i thought maybe i should beat giovanni again but greg is back to where he was at first blocking the stairs. ( normally u talk to the officer then u could enter but there is no officer anymore)..


i hope u help me asap i need to complete kanto fast as im already behind lol all i needed was buggs ..why me :Frown:


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