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Sitrus berry bug


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Hello, @Masskiller

Thank you for taking time reporting the issue to us. My apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused.

Your findings were correct. It's a wrong Sitrus berry consumed message that appears when a Pokemon holding Sitrus berry and is behind a substitute got it Substitute destroyed by an opposing multi-strike move, even if the HP condition for the Sitrus berry to be consumed hasn't been met. However, it's just a wrong message, the Sitrus berry didn't actually get consumed at the first message, and the second message of consuming the Sitrus berry was correct. So, this won't affect the outcome of that turn.  I have forwarded the issue to our Devs. And hopefully, it may get fixed soon.

Thanks again for your report, and feel free to send us anything you consider buggy in the future. Have a good day.



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