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Bug Dark Realm


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I did the Darkrai quest before they put mega evolution, now Alucard doesn't let me enter the Dark Realm to redo it, I beat Honor without letting any poke faint and I beat Alucard to enter the Dark Realm, but after I win he tells me that "there's nothing for you here" and consequently I can't do the gengarite quest...


I would like you to only give 1 reset in this part of the mission, so I can redo it...

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Hello @Srkenny,


While fighting Alucard, you need a Pokémon with the move Miracle Eye who will help you to reveal Alucard as Darkrai and to continue the quest. To know which Pokemon can learn Miracle Eye, you can view this wiki page and be sure to defeat Umbra in Dark Realm in order to do Gengarite Quest. 


Hope it will help you. If you still have any more questions, feel free to ask them here. 


Kind regards,


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Miracle eye worked, i think got a incomplete guide, because it didn't mention this only odor sleuth from growlite as a requirement. I already got gengarite.

Thanks for your attention and sorry if I caused any inconvenience

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