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Re: PRO Rarity System 2


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139762 It's a bit saddening to see the majority of the newest Gen (after Gen. 2 and/or 3) Pokemons being so rare. I do agree with the mentality of this being an MMO and having to work your rear off for certain Pokemons, but even the most casual ones are so uncommon. Such as, Hippopotas, Shellos, Skitty, Carnivine, etc.


I wish there was a larger diversity instead of turning new Pokémons certainly rare to the point of dealing with hours or weeks of finding one.

I love your post. I'm not crazy after all. I extremely dislike how long it takes to find "extremely rare" pokemon.


600 encounters in mt. silver 3f today and 0 absol seen. Makes me not want to play... :(

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